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Aminoglycosides are a group of natural and semi-synthetic antibiotics having amino sugars linked to an aminocyclitol ring by means of glycosidic bond.


History: Streptomycin was the first member of Aminoglycoside antibiotics discovered in 1944 by Waksman and his co-workers from a strain of Streptomyces griseus. Neomycin was next to be isolated in

1949 followed by Kanamycin in 1957 and Gentamicin in 1963.


   Chemistry and source: The Aminoglycosides consist of two or more amino sugars joined to a hexose (aminogyclitol) nucleus by means of glycosidec linkage.The presence of amino group on the glycosides imparts alkaline nature to Aminoglycosides and the hydro-oxyl groups on the sugars provide high water solubility (or poor lipid solubility) to the drugs. If these hydro-oxyl groups are removed (e.g., in case of Tobramycin), the drug becomes more active. Aminoglycosides prepared from Streptomyces carry the suffix –mycin, whereas those derived from Micromonospora have their names ending with –micin.


Mode of action: The Aminoglycosides are bactericidal drugs that act by inhibiting protein synthesis in susceptible bacteria, mainly gram negative organisms. Their antimicrobial action is concentration dependent (they produce greater cidal effect at high concentrations). Aminoglycosides diffuse across the aqueous porin channels of gram negative bacteria to reach periplasmic space. Next, the Aminoglycosides are carried from periplasmic space into bacterial cytoplasm. This transportation occurs with the help of an oxygen-dependent process which is linked to electron transport chain. Anaerobic environment inhibits the oxygen-dependent transport system. Therefore anaerobes and facultative anaerobes are inherently resistant to Aminoglycosides. Once inside the bacterial cell, Aminoglycosides interact with bacterial ribosomes and inhibit bacterial protein synthesis. Aminoglycosides can bind with both 30S and 50S ribosomal subunits (more specifically they bind to 30S-50S ribosomal juncture), although their binding with 30S subunit is stronger. Aminoglycosides impair the bacterial protein synthesis through several mechanisms including:

(a) Interference with the formation of initiation complex.

(b) Distortion of mRNA condons resulting in misreading of the codons. This causes incorporation of one or more incorrect amino acid(s) into the peptide chain and synthesis of abnormal proteins.

(c) Promotion of premature termination of translation with detachment of the ribosomal complex.

Effect of Aminoglycosides on Bacterial protein synthesis: (A) Aminoglycoside (represented by closed circles) bind to 30S ribosomal subunit and interferes with initiation of protein synthesis by fixing the 30S-50S ribosomal complex at the start codon (AUG) of mRNA. As 30S-50S ribosomal complexes downstream complete translation of mRNA and detach, the abnormal initiation complexes accumulate, blocking further translation of the message. Binding of Aminoglycosides to 30S ribosomal subunit also causes the misreading of mRNA  codons, leading to premature termination of translation (B) with the detachment of ribosomal complex and incompletely synthesized proteins or (C) Incorporation of incorrect amino acids (indicated by the X), resulting in the production of abnormal or non-functional proteins.


Classification of Aminoglycosides



Narrow-spectrum Aminoglycosides

Streptomycin, Dihydrostreptomycin

Broad-spectrum Aminoglycosides

Neomycin, Kanamycin

Extended-spectrum Aminoglycosides

Gentamicin, Tobramycin


Antibacterial Spectrum: Aminoglycosides are bactericidal in action and are more active against gram negative bacteria. Antibacterial spectrum of Aminoglycosides varies with the type of antibiotic. Streptomycin and Dihydrostreptomycin have relatively narrow spectra mainly gram-negative species. The broad-spectrum Aminoglycosides (e.g., Neomycin and Kanamycin) are active against many gram-negative and gram-positive organisms but not pseudomonas. The extended-spectrum Aminoglycosides possess antibacterial spectra similar to broad-spectrum antibiotics and are also active against pseudomonas aeruginosa and a variety of aerobic bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria are only moderately sensitive to Aminoglycosides.


Pharmacokinetics: Aminoglycosides are water soluble and polar compounds and generally ionize in solution. They are not absorbed orally and distribute only extracellularly. They are more active in alkaline pH. Absorption of Aminoglycosides from GI tract takes place only in the presence of inflammation or ulceration of GI tract or in very young animals that are still on colostrum. This property is utilized in bacterial cleansing of intestine prior to gastro-intestinal surgery. Aminoglycosides are extensively distributed in ECF but they do not readily enter into the cells (thus they are ineffective against intracellular pathogens) due to their polar nature. Therefore they are largely excluded from brain, CSF, eye and most body tissues except kidney and inner ear. In the renal tubular cells and the endolymph and perilymph of the inner ear Aminoglycosides accumulate in high concentrations via an active transport mechanism and these may contribute to nephrotoxicty and ototoxicity respectively. In pregnant animals Aminoglycosides may cross the placental barrier and reach fetal plasma and amniotic fluid causing deafness in young ones. The neonates have relatively more volume of ECF hence the plasma levels of Aminoglycosides remain comparatively low and renal clearance becomes low. In contrast dehydration reduces the volume of ECF with high plasma concentration of Aminoglycosides resulting in increased renal clearance. The Aminoglycosides are not metabolized in the body and are excreted largely unchanged in the urine by glomerular filtration. They possess a significant post-antibiotic effect. Therefore, despite their short half-lives (2-4 hours) a single injection of the total daily dose of Aminoglycosides may be effective (i.e., they are repeated after 12-24 hours).


Clinical uses:  Aminoglycosides are widely used in veterinary medicine to treat local and systemic infections caused by susceptible bacteria, generally gram negative bacteria. They may be infused into uterus (intrauterine) to treat endometritis and into udder (intramammary) to treat mastitis. Some Aminoglycosides are also administered topically in the eyes and ears (provided that the tympanic membrane is intact). In veterinary medicine, Streptomycin is primarily used in combination with Penicillins for the treatment of conditions like shipping fever (pasteurelosis), foot rot, mastitis and coliform infections. Neomycin is used orally or in enema form to reduce the number of ammonia producing bacteria in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. It may be used topically for skin, eye and ear infections. Neomycin is never used parentrally due to its enhanced systemic toxicity. Kanamycin is orally used to treat gram negative enteric infections in domestic animals. Gentamicin is the most widely used Aminoglycoside in human as well in veterinary medicine. It can be used for the treatment of bacterial infections of respiratory tract, urinary tract, GIT, bones, soft tissues and skin. It is administered through intramammary and intrauterine routes to treat mastitis and metritis respectively. It may be used topically for skin, eye and ear infections.


Side effects/Adverse effects: All Aminoglycosides have potential to produce toxic effects but the relative tendency differs. Nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity and neuromuscular blockade are important adverse effects observed with Aminoglycosides.


1. Nephrotoxicity: Nephrotoxicity with Aminoglycosides occurs as a result of excessive accumulation of antibiotics in the proximal tubular cells of kidneys. As Aminoglycosides are positively charged agents, they get attracted to negatively charged phospholipids of the renal membrane followed by their transport inside the tubular cells via pinocytosis. This transport is directly related to the membrane content of phosphatidly inositol (which is high in renal cortex and cochlear tissues). The Aminoglycosides can inhibit various essential enzymes like phospholipases. Inhibition of phospholipase results in reduced synthesis of prostaglandins (that are crucial for optimal renal microcirculation) thereby leading to nephrotoxicity. Manifestations of nephrotoxicity include presence of enzymes of brush border in urine, proteinuria, presence of casts, and low GFR. Among Aminoglycosides, Neomycin is the most nephrotoxic. Nephrotoxicity of Aminoglycosides can be prevented or minimized by following some simple steps like avoiding the use of potentially nephrotoxic Aminoglycosides, ensuring adequate hydration status of patient and avoiding concurrent use of other nephrotoxic drugs.


2. Ototoxicity: Aminoglycosides get accumulated into perilymph and endolymph of the inner ear in dose and time dependent manner. Ototoxicity is greater when the plasma concentration of drug is persistently high.  Ototoxicity once occur is usually irreversible and result from progressive destruction of vestibular or cochlear sensory cells. Vestibular injury leads to nystagmus (involuntary, rhythmical movement of the eye), inco-ordination, vertigo, head tilt, ataxia (abnormal gait) and loss of righting reflex (inability to retrieve normal posture) in animals. Hearing impairment or deafness may be produced by permanent damage and loss of hair cells in the organ of Corti. Aminoglycosides should not be instilled into ear unless the tympanic membrane is intact because direct administration of Aminoglycosides into the inner ear could cause potential damage. Among Aminoglycosides, Streptomycin is the most ototoxic.


3. Neuromuscular blockade: All Aminoglycosides have the potential to produce neuromuscular blockade. The effect is produced mainly by interference with the release of acetylcholine from motor nerve endings, probably by antagonism of Ca+2 that is normally required for exocytosis [normally the Ach is stored in storage vesicles (after its synthesis), when an action potential is propagated across the length of pre-synaptic neuron, it opens the calcium channels (located on the outer surface of that neuron) thereby leading to exocytosis of storage vesicle causing the release of Ach to synaptic cleft. There the Ach binds to NM receptors to trigger the signalling pathway required for muscular contraction]. However, concomitant administration of neuromuscular blocking agents and general anaesthetics with Aminoglycosides may substantially increase the risk of neuromuscular blockade.


Contraindications and precautions: Patients suffering from pre-existing renal disorders should avoid the use of Aminoglycosides. Aminoglycosides may impair neuromuscular transmission and so are not given to patients with myasthenia gravis. They cause adverse effects on fetus so their use during pregnancy is not recommended unless considered mandatory.


Drug interactions: Concurrent use of Aminoglycosides with loop diuretics (e.g., Frusemide) may aggravate the nephrotoxic effects of Aminoglysosides. Risk of neuromuscular blockade and respiratory muscle paralysis increases when Aminoglysosides are used with inhalant anesthetics or neuromuscular blocking drugs. Aminoglycosides show synergistic antibacterial effect with β-lactam antibiotics.

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