Drprofessionals Anatomy QUESTION BANK(Subjective )

Drprofessionals Anatomy QUESTION BANK(Subjective )

  Drprofessionals Anatomy QUESTION BANK(Subjective )

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Define the following:

1. Anatomy

2. Histology

3. Embryology

4. Ontogeny

5. Phylogeny

6. Osteology

7. Arthrology

8. Mycology

9. Splanchnology

10. Angelology

11. Neurology

12. Aesthesiology

13. Haversian system or Osteone

14. Periosteum

15. Endosteum

16. Spine

17. Trochlea

18. Glenoid cavity

19. Sinus

20. Hiatus

21. Meatus

22. Condyle

23. Epicondyle

24. Acromian process

25. Supratrochlear foramen

26. Carpo-metacarpus

27. Splint bone

28. Deltoid tuberosity

29. Tuber sacrale

30. Tuber coxae

31. Tuber ischii

32. Obturator foramen

33. Pelvic symphysis

34. Fovea capitis

35. Trochanter tertius

 Veterinary Gross Anatomy - I 

36. Fabella

37. Malleolus

38. Sustentaculum talli

39. Tuber calcis

40. Horny spur or calcur

41. Vertebral formula

42. Mammillary process

43. Accessory process

44. Fossa atlantis

45. Cervical rib

46. Haemal processes

47. Sulcus vasculosus

48. Sternal and asternal ribs

49. Floating rib

50. Costal cartilage

51. Wormian or Sutural bones

52. Incisive fissure

53. Lacrimal bulla

54. Crista gali of ethmoid

55. Sella tercica

56. Paranasal sinuses

57. Biomechanics

Frequently asked Short notes:

1. Anatomical planes used in anatomy

2. Classification of skeleton

3. Visceral or heterotrophic bones

4. Classification of bones

5. Bone marrow

6. Name the different regions of pectoral and pelvic limb and indicate the bones

involved in formation of the different regions.

7. Pectoral girdle of fowl

8. Proximal extremity of radius and ulna

9. Third phalanx of ox and horse

10. Os coxae of fowl

11. Acetabulum

12. Proximal extremity of tibia in horse and dogs

13. Vertebral formula of domestic animals

14. Dental formula of domestic animals

15. Parts and processes of typical vertebra

16. Vertebra prominence

17. Thoracic vertebrae of ox and horse

18. Lumbar vertebrae of ox and horse

19. Synsacrum

20. Sacrum of dog

21. Sternum of fowl

22. Foramens in the skull and structures passing through it

23. Cranial cavity

24. Nasal meatuses

25. Maxilla of horse

26. Mandible of fowl

27. Synovial joint

28. Movements of synovial joints

29. Temporo-mandibular articulation

30. Intervertebral disc

31. Supraspinous ligament

32. Suspensory ligament

33. Hock joint

34. Knee joint

35. Bow and string theory

36. Types of movements in domestic animals

Frequently asked Essay questions:

1. Development of bone

2. Describe in detail about the Scapula of ox, horse, dog and pig

3. Describe in detail about the Humerus of ox, horse, dog and pig

4. Describe in detail about the Os coxae of ox, horse and dog

5. Describe in detail about the Femur of ox, horse and dog

6. Describe in detail about the Atlas of ox, horse and dog

7. Describe in detail about the Axis of ox, horse and dog

8. Describe in detail about the Sacrum of horse and ox

9. Describe in detail about the Sternum of ox, horse and dog

10. Describe in detail about the Occipital bone of ox

11. Describe in detail about the Sphenoid bone of ox and horse

12. Describe in detail about the Temporal bone of ox

13. Describe in detail about the Mandible of ox and horse

14. Describe in detail about the Paranasal sinuses in horse and dog

15. Classification of joints

16. Describe in detail about the Stifle joint

17. Architecture of pectoral and pelvic limb to perform locomotion

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